Kate Swaffer

Kate Swaffer


Kate Swaffer commenced her professional career as a nurse, specialising in dementia and aged care. She was diagnosed with younger onset dementia aged 49, and now works as an advocate and activist for dementia and aged care, and is an author, poet, educator and speaker. She is the inaugural Chair of the Alzheimer’s Australia Dementia Advisory Committee. She has many published articles and a poetry book and advocates extensively as a voice for those living with dementia, and her book What the Hell happened to my brain? is to be released early in 2016. Her blog has been archived in the PANDORA collection of the SA and National Library, and is an academic resource around the world, and Domiciliary Care SA has produced a staff training DVD featuring her story. She also volunteers for The Big Issue SA and The Bereaved Through Suicide Support Group Inc (SA). Kate lives in Adelaide, Australia with her husband Peter, also known as her BUB (Back Up Brain). Kate is currently editor and co-chair.

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