
Donate or Partner with DAI

There is one new diagnosis of a person with dementia every 3.2 seconds somewhere in the world, and as such our membership continues to grow. This also means, every 3.2 seconds one person has their life, as they knew it, taken away. DAI started intuitively to support people living with dementia to improve their quality of life, and to regain hope for a future.

You can help us do just that too, by donating or partnering with us.

If you are still thinking about it, please do consider supporting the work of Dementia Alliance International with a donation.

If you prefer to send a check, then make your check payable to Dementia Alliance International and post it to 12250 Queenston Blvd, Ste A Houston, TX 77095-5343 USA

Or, if you’d prefer to make an electronic funds wire transfer, please contact us for our bank details at [email protected].

Your donations do make a real difference to the lives of people with any type of dementia; they allow us to provide services and supports which empower them to live more positively, and with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.  

We pour a tremendous amount of love, sweat and our souls, as well as time, thought and resources into Dementia Alliance International, which remains free for all people with dementia and their families. If you find it helps you, your clients, or a family member, please consider supporting us by making a donation.

Dementia Alliance International is a U.S. nonprofit corporation (organizationally based  for legal purposes but operates globally) that is certified by the I.R.S. as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (charity) so all donations by U.S. citizens are tax deductible. If you are in another country, please consult your tax professional as to whether it might be tax deductible. We are working on solutions to create the same tax status in other countries.

And if you’ve already donated, from the bottom of our hearts, we THANK YOU.

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