Peer to peer - Monday 9:00am GMT

Peer to peer - Monday 9:00am GMT

Facilitated by James McKillop & Dennis Frost Region: UK, EU, SA, AU

What Time is it for me?

Group Guidelines

DAI provides facilitated online peer to peer support groups for people with dementia. Here we create a safe environment to share your thoughts, feelings or to just talk about your day with a group of like-minded people whom you will soon come to call your friends.

We use ZOOM online video conferencing to create an experience that is much like sitting around with a group of friends. If you have a webcam and mic, or an iPad or Android tablet or phone, you can see and hear the other participants. No typing is required for those who find typing and spelling a challenge, and these support groups are NEVER RECORDED.

It is a confidential DAI members only forum, and it is not appropriate for professionals or interested others to attend.

The main ‘rules’ are on confidentiality; anything said in the group, stays in the group, as well as respect and dignity for all. These are intended to provide a safe and empowering environment for our members.

Hosts and members do not have permission to record these meetings in any way, including taking notes, screen shots, or any form of digital or video recording. For more information or to join a support group, please email us here [email protected] or contact us via the Contact Us form.

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