Dementia Alliance International (DAI) held its April Café Le Brain last month on the 26th and 27th! DAI members and their care partners gathered together in a supportive and casual environment, bonding over Zoom as they discussed things like theatre and Malaysian cuisine.
One of the highlights of the event was when members shared their tips on living with dementia. One member suggested that if you have to drive somewhere new, when you get to a car park, you can turn around and take photos showing where you've come from. This helps to remember your way back. Another member suggested getting all the ingredients before cooking and putting them on one side. Then as you use them, move them to the other side. This way, you won't forget any ingredients.
Members also stressed the importance of a daily routine and exercise. They discussed the benefits of having a routine and how it can help them stay organized and focused. Exercise is also essential for maintaining physical health and reducing stress.
One member's partner updated the ‘maps’ app on her phone so she can click 'home' and it shows her how to walk back to the house. She also recommended mindfulness and breathing exercises, which she used to teach. By putting colourful dots around her house, she is reminded to check her breathing whenever she sees one.
For care partners, members recommended taking photos, which is fantastic for creating memories. They also emphasized the importance of listening and having a care community, which is better than a single care partner. Learning about the diagnosis itself makes a difference too.
The May Café Le Brain promises to be just as exciting as the April event. Members will hear from conversational speaker, Julie Hayden, about her own involvement in DAI and beyond as an advocate living with dementia. There will also be a chance to meet the board and staff of DAI, provide feedback, and share stories. As always, it's free and open to all DAI members and care partners.
The May event will be held on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, at 8:00 am New Zealand time (this will be on Tuesday, 30th for members in USA/CA/UK/EU). This link also takes you to an online time convertor to check the time in your city: /worldclock/converter.html
Remember, this event is for members and care partners only. So if that’s you, please keep an eye on your inbox for more information, and a Zoom link 2 hours prior to the event. We will see you there!