Dementia Action Week (UK Style)

Dementia Action Week (UK Style)
Author: Julie Hayden
Published: Friday, May 19th 2023

Each May sees the rolling out of the Alzheimer's Society's longest running campaign, that of Dementia Action Week which covers May 15th - 21st and the theme for this year is a timely and accurate diagnosis alongside appropriate post diagnostic support. It's always a busy time of year as all the organisations rush to book their events. It's encouraging to see this happen, but it's important that the numbers of Dementia Activists continues to grow in order that the work is sustainable the whole year round.

I will be taking part in various involvements throughout the week before and after this campaign, but the main event will be the Alzheimer's Society Annual Conference in London. As with last year it will be a hybrid event, with 2 of the side panels being entirely designed, written and presented by people with dementia. The first is 

How To Co-produce With People Affected By Dementia. 

Chair: Nigel Hullah (Chair of 3Nations Dementia Working Group, 3NDWG)

Speakers: Marilyn William; Paul Harvey; Eamon Dobbyn; Tim Little; Chris Norris (Society Ambassador & Kent Dementia Envoy); Michaela Morris (Mental Health & Dementia Lead, Improvement Cymru)

Hope Alongside Diagnosis:

Chair: Anita Goudry

Speakers: Ian Deakin; Patrick J Ettenes (Lived Experience Advisor & Co-founder of Bring Dementia Out); Chris Roberts Society Ambassador & Co-founder of 3NDWG; Masood Quereshi (3NDWG); Hilary Doxford (Co-founder of 3NDWG); Dr Joy Watson (3NDWG)

Creative contributions from: Martina Davies (3NDWG); Julie Hayden (3NDWG); Dr Keith Oliver (Society Ambassador & 3NDWG)

The week following the conference I will be given my first chance (along with a group of friends) to address a class of first year medical students, a particularly difficult nut to crack! It will also mark the 6th anniversary of my own diagnosis and look back on all the opportunities I have been given in the various charities, groups and universities that I have been involved with, and I have gained much from it. It has given me focus, an occupation and a purpose for life once again. I would certainly recommend to others to in some way to get involved. It benefits us in so many ways as well as creating a better world for those yet to be diagnosed. Even the smallest steps towards creating actions can contribute towards the necessary tidal that is needed across all of our nations. In the adopted motto of DAI

Never doubt that a small number of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever really has. Margaret Mead



Never doubt that a small number of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever really has. -Margaret Mead

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