"Dementia and the kiss of love" by Susan Suchan

"Dementia and the kiss of love" by Susan Suchan
Published: Sunday, September 11th 2016

As we celebrate our members and share their stories in the spirit of the World Alzheimer's Month 2016 theme #RememberMe #WAM2016 #DAM2016 we have had a wonderful response from our members to contribute their stories with us here. Susan Suchan has spoken here before, but her story today is of love.

Here is her story about the kiss of love...

screen-shot-2016-09-12-at-6-09-01-am"Some people may look at this picture and become offended that two women are sharing a kiss, some may even wonder if this is a Mother/Daughter moment. The list of perceptions could go on and on.

I am living with a probable diagnosis of early on-set Alzheimer's, FTD/PPA for quite some time. I choose to live my life with purpose and in the moment. Dementia can reek havoc on my perceptions of a joke, a plan or idea and yes, even emotions.

I may not always immediately connect a look or touch with the correct emotion but ultimately I do. It is an ever changing disease and not everyone will experience it in the same way. I am passionate to help other's understand and find ways to bridge the gap. I/we, with the diagnosis, are THE best to educate about the intrinsic and at the same time remain believable to those who see not the person, but only the disease and what they have been told to expect.

I may speak in a way that is not understandable at times, I may walk as though I've had a few too many nips! Trust me, I am adapting to the changes in my brain that no one would ever ask for. Perceptions are not only misunderstood from my side, they are misunderstood from those I expect to know better. I guess you could now call me a 'teacher'. I didn't sign up for it, the pay is nil, but I won't ever quit.

This picture, is of my sister and I. I am on the left and am the oldest of the two. This is a kiss of love."

By Susan Suchan

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