"I have a dream", says Mick Carmody #DAM2015 Day 16

"I have a dream", says Mick Carmody #DAM2015 Day 16
Published: Wednesday, September 16th 2015
One of our newly co-opted Dementia Alliance International Board members, Mick Carmody has been writing poetry since his diagnosis of dementia, something that is new for him, and one of the gifts of his diagnosis. He has written for us, to share as part of our daily blog series for Dementia Awareness Month 2015.

Mick writes today especially for DAI members and our supporters:

"Having Dementia is challenging enough for most of us to endure. The thought of what is yet to come can become life consuming to those who choose to let it be that way. Many forms of dementia present different challenges for all who live with this disease.
People invariably ask me about my positive attitude towards something that will eventually see me and my family go through hell. Do I think about it? What stage are you at? You know there are seven stages?
You certainly are remarkably brave and strong is often said. If it is important to one and all what stage I am at I will ask my Geriatrician at my next visit. How can you possibly be so positive knowing what is coming, I often get asked, don't you get scared.
I am human like everybody else and I would not be if I did not from time to time feel sad, depressed and wonder if all of this is really worth it. I feel that remaining positive is like running as fast as you can to always stay in front of the fog that envelopes you if you stop or slow down.
I have feelings like everybody else and some comments do cut straight to the bone, but, as my experience grows I choose to answer these comments so as to turn the situation around and leave them with something to think about while their mouth is open catching flies.
I am and always will be positive and strong choosing not to dwell but get off my butt and spread the word about people living with dementia and how we can live a life that is full and set our own goals and destiny.
No longer will the public have a perception of us sitting in the corner, dribbling and staring at the ground.
We will take our rightfull place on each and every board and have full inclusion of every decision made for us and about us. We will stand up and be heard."
Mick closed with this quote:
I HAVE A DREAM (Dr Martin Luther King Jnr)
The image above of Mick was taken by his daughter of him during an interview played on ABC television earlier this month. Also, listen to the 612 ABC Brisbane radio interview and below, you can watch the television interview have been given permission to publish as a fuller version than shown on television, here:

Author: Mick Carmody
Editor: Kate Swaffer

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