Lyn Rogers shares why she is glad she joined DAI

Lyn Rogers shares why she is glad she joined DAI
Published: Thursday, September 24th 2020

Lyn Rogers is a member of DAI, and shares with us on Day 24 of Dementia Awareness Month, why she is glad she found DAI. Lyn has been a permanent resident in a nursing home (residential care facility) in the state of Victoria in Australia for over two years.

Lyn has a diagnosis of dementia and lives with other comorbidities, like most people over the age of 65. She moved to the facility from Queensland, therefore most of her family and friends are not living nearby, and although she uses a crutch, she loves to go for a daily walk, which is essential she maintain her mobility and emotional health. It has been much more lonely since the COVID-199 pandemic, as she has faced significant challenges being allowed to maintain her walking and other activities.

Thank you Lyn. We are really glad you found DAI.

Since you’re here…

… we’re asking readers like you to support our members, by donating to our organizaton.

With more than 50 million people living with dementia, and the Coronavisus pandemic causing everyone to operate in a virtual world,  our work has never been more important.

Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable to our work of supporting people diagnosed with any type of dementia to live more positively, and with a greater sense of hope.  Thank  you.

Help more people with dementia like Lyn to have a voice, by  supporting DAI.


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