DAI's celebrates 9 years at a virtual Café Le Brain
At the beginning of each year, we host a virtual cafe to celebrate our birthday, and we invite you to join us. This is your opportunity to have some fun, meet the new board, new staff, and welcome back the DAI Café Le Brain.
Historically, DAI has hosted a monthly virtual Café Le Brain for its members and their families and supporters, including the birthday celebration event, which we had to put it on hold mid 2022 due to a lack of volunteers to set up and host them.
From humble beginnings and huge dreams of providing support and global advocacy of, by and for people with dementia, to campaigning for human rights and for dementia to be managed as a disability, alongside providing weekly peer to peer support, we continue to achieve a lot!
DAI's vision is a world where all people are valued and equally included, including people with dementia and our care partners, and we are looking forward to a new year with you.
Hosted by our Chair, Alister Robertson, Alumni board member Christine Thelker and co-founder and board member Kate Swaffer
Entertainment by Graeme Atkinson, DAI member and resident Recreation Officer has produced a song especially for this event.
Everyone is welcome.
Register here...
Tuesday, February 22, 2023 (USA/CA/UK/EU)
Wednesday, February 23, 2023 (AU/NZ/Asia)
Please note this is one event, set in a number of different time zones.
Introductions and welcome by our hosts
Board update by the Chair, Alister Robertson from New Zealand
DAI's (w)recreational Officer, Graeme Atkins performs the DAI 9th anniversary song, written by him, a song acknowledging the eight co-founders of DAI
An overview of the last 9 years, and a chance for you to tell us what you want in terms of services and support, hosted by Christine and Kate
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 (USA/CA/UK/EU):
2:30 pm Pacific
3:30 pm Mountain
4:30 pm Central
5:30 pm Eastern
10:30 pm London/Glasgow/Dublin UK
11:30 pm Paris, Munich, Amsterdam, EU
Thursday, February 23, 2023 ( AU/NZ/ASIA):
6:30 am Perth, AU/Brunei/Singapore
8:30 am Brisbane, AU
9:00 am Adelaide, AU
9:30 am Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra/Tasmania/Brisbane, AU
11:30 am Auckland, NZ
The Webinar runs for up to 1.5 hours.
Check your time here if not listed above. Apologies to some members, as we know not all of the time zones are accessible.
DAI Members and their care partners: FREE
Non-members: $20.00 USD
Register here...
We provide the following options to support people with dementia throgh DAI here: