We'd like your feedback!
Dementia Alliance International (DAI) is working on what we should focus on for the next 3 years.
We want to hear from you about your thoughts on DAI. We are looking for feedback from our members, from care partners and family members of people with dementia, researchers, clinicians, allied health professionals and others who support DAI. This survey is very short- and should only take around 5 minutes.
Please take the time to respond today: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DAIFeedback.
We look forward to hearing from you about:
- What you value most about DAI?
- What DAI could do better?
- What are some things that you wish DAI would do?
If you want to send any other feedback for us to consider- please send it through to [email protected]
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this consultation. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas about DAI.
The DAI Admin Team