ADI African Regional conference

ADI African Regional conference
Published: Thursday, September 8th 2016

screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-9-34-41-amAs DAI continues our daily series of blogs in September for World Alzheimer's Month /Dementia Awareness Month 2016 #WAM2016 #DAM2016 and it is exciting to be able to tell everyone who follows us here of this upcoming conference, being sponsored by Dementia Friends Nigeria, Alzheimer's Disease International and Rosetti Care. If you can support them in any way, or go to the event please do so.

‘The Road to 2025: Fostering Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Communities -
Lessons from our Global Neighbours’

"The conference will feature speakers from African countries in plenary sessions over 2 full days and a half day session, including both African and International experts and speakers on the importance of dementia awareness in Africa and opportunities for supporting the development of National Plans of Action on
Dementia following the progression of a Zero Draft Global Action Plan on Dementia by the World Health Organisation in 2016.

The conference program includes people living with dementia in Africa and discussion of dementia as a Non Communicable Disease (NCD) in partnership with NCD Alliance. It will represent a historic and crucial opportunity for the establishment of new associations, networks and action on dementia in Africa.

You can see the full conference schedule at

We hope this event can be the start of more regular conversations in Africa about dementia and dementia policies. For the first time there are now opportunities created by the global process that started in the G7 countries and is now much broader through the work of the World Dementia Council and World Health Organisation."


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