Belated update

Belated update
Published: Saturday, August 1st 2015

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 10.18.21 amHello.

This month, as Editor of DAI, it has not been physically possible to keep up with the many commitments I have had in this group, and many others, so I would like to apologise for missing three weekly blogs.

What we can't do alone, we can do together, but there simply have not been enough helpers to ensure even the basics of our organisation happen this month.

A Tribute to Richard Taylor

The passing of Dr Richard Taylor, one of our founding members, and a long time advocate and activist for improving the lived experience of dementia, has also take its toll on our members, and the global dementia community, and to help members, Laura Bowley provided a Zoom chat room on Tuesday; thank you Laura for doing this, it was a good opportunity for people to share their grief. DAI also continued with Richard's Thursday support group to allow people to express their feelings and talk about their own memories of Richard.

Keep this date free:

  • August 19 (USA/Ca/UK/EU)
  • August 20 (AU/NZ/Japan/Indonesia)

DAI will be holding a Tribute to Richard Taylor event as part of our A Meeting of The Minds Webinar series.

Details including times will be sent out ASAP.

July 2015 Member update

As far a a July Members update, we were unable to hold the Open Members meeting in July, and I have not written a report to publish here, but suffice to say, there is actually little to report, and so we will provide a two month update at our Open Members meeting in the third Tuesday/Wednesday of August.

Again, our apologies and we hope to see you at the August Open Member to give you an update, and to hear your views. I've not even had time to write up the survey results either, but hope to have that done by this update as well.

Thank you for supporting Dementia Alliance International.

Kind regards,
Kate Swaffer
Chair, Editor, Co-founder

Support Dementia Alliance International

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