DAI Cookbook Project

DAI Cookbook Project
Published: Saturday, June 13th 2020

DAI Members: we invite you and your families to contribute to the DAI Cookbook project.

Food made with love

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this blog!

September 2020 will be an important month for Dementia Alliance International; during the month of September we will commit all of our efforts to raise funds to ensure the continuity of DAI and our free membership, and member services.

With that, we would like to ask you for a contribution of a few minutes of your time to join us with this exciting venture.

Two of your members, Christine Thelker and Jan Douglas, along with Kate Swaffer are organizing the production of a DAI e-Cookbook

It was inspired by another wonderful DAI member, Terry Montgomery! Thank you Terry.

We would all love for your favorite recipes to be included in this wonderful book.

We are asking that you submit two (2) of your FAVORITE recipes.

Depending on how many recipes we receive, and what category they are in, will determine which recipes are used in the book.

Please submit your recipes, photos and stories by July 16, 2020.

We have categories for the following recipes:

  • Starters (appetizers)
  • Salads and homemade dressings
  • Soups
  • Breads
  • Main meals
  • Desserts
  • Recipes specifically for brain health

Along with your submission, send us a photo either of yourself, or of the prepared recipe, and a short paragraph about the recipe, what the recipe means to you and your family. [we have already received a number of recipes - thank you!]

Please also note if your recipe is gluten free, sugar free, etc.

Please send them to [email protected]

See this example of a short paragraph about a recipe:

Hearty Beef Vegetable soup
“I always made this on cold winter days, for when the kids came in from playing in the snow and just in time for my husband to arrive home from work, this soup brought our family together, I made it with love.”

We all look forward to reading your stories and sharing your recipes to other DAI Members, and hopefully, to the world.

It will be produced it as an e-Cookbook available on Amazon, and ALL proceeds will go directly to Dementia Alliance International. Dementia Alliance International.

Stay safe and well,

Christine, Jan, Terry and Kate

Finally, a reminder to register for our June 2020 “Meeting Of The Minds” Webinar, Dementia, Human Rights, Selfcare and COVID-19

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