Introducing Board member Helga Rohra

Introducing Board member Helga Rohra
Published: Friday, January 16th 2015

Vorstand HR 1 (2)Helga Rohra, our friend and a Dementia Alliance International Board member from Munich Germany was diagnosed with LBD about 8 years ago. She has given us the honour of sharing her story here.

After one year of struggle and hiding because of the stigma connected to dementia there was a big turn in her life.

Meeting strong advocates in dementia at an International Conference of ADI in London 2012 she got a strong belief. She started to stand up and speak up for all of her fellows touched by dementia in Germany. She now remains busy lecturing about what it feels living with dementia, focusing on the still existing abilities.

Her demand was inclusion from the very beginning after getting diagnosed, and her book (in German and Romanian language) entitled:"Stepping out of the shadow" highlights these demands. Ever since she is also a speaker at Conferences of ADI and AE.

With the foundation of the European Dementia Working Group of people with dementia in 2012 a milestone in dementia history was set as the second Dementia Advisory Group was formed. She is the first Chair of this group. Her home country Germany awarded her in Dec.2014 the Commitment Award on national and international level.

An incentive for Helga for new projects together with dementia friends all over the world.

As dementia, we know no borders and TOGETHER we are strong!

The picture above shows Helga together with great advocates and two other Board Members, Chris Roberts and Agnes Houston at AE Conference in Glasgow/2014.

Thank you Helga for sharing your story.

Editor: Kate Swaffer


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