Recognising Christine Bryden on International Womens Day

Recognising Christine Bryden on International Womens Day
Published: Friday, March 8th 2019

International Womens Day 2019 #BalanceforBetter

Christine Bryden was diagnosed with dementia aged 46, a single mother of three beautiful young daughters. Watching the video presentation today given in 2013, highlights very little has changed. In fact, in Australia, there is currently a Royal Commission in to the quality (or rather, lack of quality) in Aged and Dementia Care.

However, today, on International Women's Day, DAI wishes to recognise and acknowledge the incredible pioneering work of a remarkable woman, Christie Bryden, an extraordinary Australian woman who has been living positively and productively with dementia for well over two decades. Thank you Christine for being someone we can still learn so much learn.

The saddest thing of all, is that new advocates are saying the same things Christine said more than two decades ago...

Christine Bryden: Dreading being put in dementia prison


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