Thank you to the outgoing DAI Board

Thank you to the outgoing DAI Board
Published: Saturday, November 19th 2016


On 15/16 November, DAI held it's this Annual General Meeting, and sadly we had a number of resignations, but also a number of nominees to fill the vacancies; This year, for the first time, we had more nominees than vacancies. Some members have resigned for health or personal reasons, and others as they have felt it time to allow new members to take leadership positions. Perhaps the most important thing as leaders that we can do, is pass the baton to new members.

It is an exciting time for DAI, and this week, as Chair, I would like to specifically thank the outgoing board members. In the next few weeks we will be providing our first formal Annual Report for our members as well, and I am thrilled to know that Dementia Alliance International, an advocacy and support group, still remains of, by and for people with dementia, and is making excellent progress.

Thank you to the outgoing Board 2016 members

We extend our deepest thanks and sincere gratitude to Susan (Sue) Stephens, who has served on the board since we started on January 1st, 2014. DAI started with seven co-founders, from four different countries, and Sue is one of our founding members from Canada. Sue's wisdom, intellect and humour has been invaluable to us, and we know our friendship will continue. Thank you Susan, from us all.

Special thanks also to our outgoing Vice Chair Helga Rohra, Board members Leo White and Jeanne Lee, and outgoing co-opted board member Mary Radnofsky. Whilst we are sad to see you move off of the board, we accept and understand your personal needs to step down, for health or personal reasons.

Sue, Helga, Jeanne, Mary and Leo: we greatly valued working with you on the board, and know we will still be in contact with you as your DAI family.

DAI has been honoured to have you all working more closely with us, and have been humbled by your friendship and work for all DAI members, and for all people with dementia globally.

The commitment to DAI and vision of all of our out going board members has been truly commendable, and we will miss you all greatly as board members. Being a board members brings with it a commitment in time and energy, and a loyalty to our organisational mission and vision, but does not prevent members from being active in their own local or national dementia communities. I have no doubt many of you will continue to work tirelessly for the good of all people with dementia in your own communities.

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Next week, we look forward to introducing you to our new Board members for 2017.

Sincere thanks from us all,

Kate Swaffer
Chair, CEO & Co-founder
on behalf of the DAI membership

Support Dementia Alliance International

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